Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dream Guy vs Reality Guy @.@

Please forgive me for being vain at times XD
I should be studying now but one of the questions that I keep thinking about recently is this:

Which will you choose to be the man in the rest of your life?
A. a guy who is 99% similar to the one in your dream
B. a guy who isnt like what you expected but treat you so well
C. continue to strive for your dreams before going into relationship (as in not facing it right now)
D. I don't know, I am confused, I rather pick up my neuroscience and study now

well, my answer for now would be D~~~~
*contradictions* :PP
I never thought things can be so complicated when comes to intimate relationship.
Praying hard to meet the right man in my life :PP
every lady deserves one!


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